When Chavez speaks, it is usually "diarrhea of the ego." He makes stupid remarks. Further, there is a large negative reaction to his words in the United States. Thus, one of the keys to a free Honduras is a babbling Hugo Chavez.
In light of this, I think it is prudent to bait Chavez. It would be wise for Michaletti to bait Chavez into reactions. Perhaps Honduras can call on the OAS to boot out Venezuela, Ecuador, and Cuba for repressing free speech. A mad Hugo Chavez speaking his mind is sure to influence US public opinion in a pro-Honduras way.
Grits publishes "Tulia" zine for 25th anniversary: Preorder now!
Until Jeff Frazier and the good folks at Mano Amiga in San Marcos reached
out about their event Monday night, I had not realized it was the 25th
4 months ago
Heheh. Good plan. I was just reading that it is against the law to criticize Chavez in Venezuela. What a hypocrite. He is the king of insults. He even came to Honduras last year and spout forth vile insults at Hondurans! No wonder they don't like him.